Install motion eye on Raspberry Pi for surveillance.
Decided to go on a month long vacation leaving the home all by itself. This was the perfect opportunity to put a home surveillance system in place. There was nothing I could do remotely if anything happened, but would not want to let go the jackasses who broke in!
Hardware in use
- Raspberry Pi 2 (will work with 3 too!)
- Logitech 720p old web cam
- Sony PS3 Eye 480p web cam
- 64GB SD card for OS and data capture.
I tore the "Easy carry Ziplock" box on the sides for the cables to pass thru. It was placed near the window, and I did not want to leave the pi running naked, since I did not have a proper enclosure, put it in this box. Placed two cameras around the room, one on the lamp, which would monitor 4 entry/exit points in the house, and the other one near the porch to monitor if anyone was approaching the front door.
Steps to install MotionEye
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