Customizing JIRA workflow
Like other cool companies we also use JIRA for issue tracking; and we are agile using it. JIRA has posted a very useful article on how to go agile using JIRA [].
Since JIRA gives you an option to customize the workflow. We've added some more details extending the normal 4 step JIRA workflow to a 6-7 step workflow.
The steps are closely related to what we follow in a normal development cycle, something that is not only natural to a developer, but also helps managers track them. A look at the major steps involved;
Since JIRA gives you an option to customize the workflow. We've added some more details extending the normal 4 step JIRA workflow to a 6-7 step workflow.
The steps are closely related to what we follow in a normal development cycle, something that is not only natural to a developer, but also helps managers track them. A look at the major steps involved;
- Open Issue: Issue created by the lead and assigned to a responsible developer.
- In Progress: Once the developer starts working on it, they mark is as "In Progress", to let others know he's working on it.
- More Info needed: Along the way is any information is needed from the business analyst or the decision maker, reassign the issue to them and mark it as "More Info Needed" who when provides more info, assigns back to you. Why the run around; well helps you document for future reference. Back "In Progress" the developer continues with the quest to complete it.
- Development Complete: When finished coding, update the status as "Development Complete". The module is code complete but not unit tested for yet!
- Unit Tested: Supporting unit test was written and integrated with the Ant/Maven build to run in Hudson/Cruise Control/Bamboo
- There are also cases, when there are no unit tests needed or possible for the code, the developer can mark "No Unit Test" in that case.
- QA Approved: This is where we get a bit waterfally, but only cos we think unit test may not always provide complete testing justice of your application. Here the QA is responsible for ensuring the business requirements are met as specked out.
- Resolve Issue: Good to go, go to staging, pass some robust abuse, and if all goes well resolve the issue.
- Close Issue: The build has been released and we are generating release notes of what made it and what was missed. Close the issue and let it rest. If there are any repercussions reopen the ticket.
*There is some debate about the Unit Test being written first and then the code; so you know what to expect; but in this case, it's a state for the developer and the manager for better understanding.On how to create a custom workflow, please refer the JIRA documentation
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