Ran my first Half Marathon!
After finishing the 5K, I got ambitious and decided to scale longer distances. Inched myself from 5K to an 8K and then a 10K. It was awesome to see the progress. After a long lull of running on the treadmill, I ventured out to run on the roads. It was miserable at first as you have no clue about your pace or the distance you travelled. The body is used to running, has not internalized a pace for you. I download Runkeeper Free to track my runs. It is a nice little GPS enabled app with alerts about pace and time and distance. One fine Friday morning, I decided to go out for a run, and saw banners all over Newport, Jersey City about Newport Liberty Half Marathon . If I can run 6 miles, I can run 13.1. My first ever 6+ miles run on Friday. https://runkeeper.com/user/varunmehta/activity/53385911 That weekend on Sunday, ran my first half marathon. My finish time was 3:19:03.07, and was placed 2215/2225 of the whole set. Average pace 15:00 min/mile. I completed and loved th...