
Showing posts from October, 2010

Tips for naming a startup...

This has been a tedious task for every individual who wants to start a company. What do I call it ? This was our problem too before we started out with this blog. The initial idea was to use "oxymorons", but most of them sounded moronic (pun intended). So we started calling out random names and start noting them down, then started with a completely another set of names totally irrelevant to the first set Then we sat down and started matching these names, tried to figure of which combination sounds good, cool and not too cheezy, but at the same time was also available as a Of the names shortlisted, we finally held on to "protonfever". We found a and a twitter handle for it, hopefully I can find a facebook page for it too (do I need one??) So here you reading the blog, and also enlightened with some of its history. The reason I wrote this article was to help some of you guys who are looking for names to follow some ideas. Dharmesh Shah of OnS...

Multitenancy: What is it ?

I'm not trying to redefine the concept or write a new white paper on multi-tenancy. Most of the article points you to few of the best articles and white papers on the internet that I've come across. Different companies have different approaches and ideas on how to handle this. I try to handle this from a data separation perspective first and then take it to the application level. If you are new to the concept of SaaS itself, then you have some reading to do, before you read further. Can I suggest Wikipedia to being with first [ ] Working on a SaaS model, multi-tenancy plays a major role to allow (their) multiple clients to live on the same system. There are various white papers and articles out there on the internet discussing on strategies on how to implement them. I've listed a few for your bed time reading;